Monday, March 16, 2015

Splints, braces, and a good week

Jacob finally received his hand splints, foot braces, and benik vest. The benik vest is basically a neoprene vest that velcro's on to him and is supposed to help him sit upright. He currently is pretty loose and floppy in his chest/waist area when you hold him. We had the appointment at our house for his fitting and it went rather quick. It is suggested that he wears these around 6-8 hours a day. Jacob does not mind the hand splints and benik vest. We can leave these on him for an hour or two at a time. The foot braces on the other hand is a different story. He only tolerates them for about 30 minutes so we have to build up his tolerance to wearing those. It may be a combination of how tight and restricting they are, along with how hot and irritating they get. It will just take time.

And I am sure I am going to regret saying this in fear of jinxing myself, but Jacob has had an amazing week. This is probably the best week we have had with him since he has been born. He has been eating well, napping consistently, overall seems comfortable and content, and sleeping pretty good at night. Maybe his bronchiotus is finally cleared or he is now adjusting to the new medicine doses. Whatever it is, we will take it. This great week along with the sunshine and warmer weather has made life good! Here's hoping this trend continues :)


  1. Will be praying that Jacob continues to be comfortable and sticks to the routine.

    1. Thank you Jaci, appreciate it :) So far all is going well still!
