Thought I would give some updates on Jacob. Nothing major, just little odds and ends updates. Jacob started with a new aquatic therapist last week. This is his third therapist in 5 months. To my surprise, the transition has gone very well. She has done great with him and is comfortable with Jacob in the water. She has only dunked him once.. So progress! Jacob's new therapist also has been doing pediatric therapy for 17 years so she is pretty established. We may even be able to have her come to the home to do some land therapy with him, which he struggles with. To date, he can not hold his head up, roll over, lift his head for long periods of time during tummy time, sit, or grab toys. So anything she can help us with for Jacob is a plus.
Speaking of milestones, Jacob has yet to eat any solids and he just turned 8 months. We have tried several times to feed him rice cereal but he struggles with 2 things: head control and understanding how to swallow food. So as it stands, he is going to remain on formula for awhile. Most of these types of babies never will fully learn how to eat on their own. The steps to eating solids is too complex for their thought process. One big plus is that we are starting to get some relief when it comes to paying for his ungodly pricey formula he has to be on. Jacob has been approved for additional insurance for medical handicapped kids and they assist with paying for the formula. This has been a tremendous gain especially since we are on one income right now.
Another update is Jacob has been fit for hand splints. He often has his hands fisted and is unable to reach for or grab objects. The splints will make it easier for Jacob to keep his hands open and the thought process is that he may be able to eventually attempt to reach and grab for objects. I am glad he will be receiving these because at times his little hands will begin to turn purple from clenching them so hard.
One other update is Jacob is back to sleeping inconsistently 😴. I think this is going to be a common theme for him unfortunately. Last night alone he was up three times throughout the night. Two times a night is the norm for him. The hard nights are when he wakes, you feed him, give him meds, and then he is up for the next hour arching and fussing. Jacob is now 18 pounds and it becomes hard to basically wobble around an 18 pound agitated baby for an hour. It is starting to do a number on my back to say the least, along with my soon to be gray hair! The neurologist did give another med to help him sleep better but we have seen no positive effect as of yet.
Besides all of that, we are set up to see the physiatrist at the end of February and the neurologist at the beginning of March. Until then we wait... And wait... And wait to see what is around the corner for Jacob.
Oh yes, and to top it off, we started Dominic in preschool this week. Although it is only 2.5 hours a day for 3 days a week, it nearly breaks my heart. He was a trooper on Monday and trudged through it. Today, for his second day, not so much. He did not want to go and did not want me to leave. I left him in big, sobbing tears there. I am not ready for all of this!! Ha..
It was even worse today :( I hope it goes upwards soon!