Sunday, January 4, 2015

Closing the book on 2014

I think it is safe to say this has been the longest, most emotional, and challenging year to date. It truly is overwhelming to think back to January and all that has occurred over the course of this year. We have been through so much but have also come so far with the birth of Jacob. We endured much heartbreak but also gained much love from this little man. We also have seen what a champ Dominic has been and what an awesome son and big brother he is. We are happy to finally close the book on 2014 and start over in the new year. It does get a little frightening though to think about what may come in the new year. With Jacob's diagnosis and prognosis, will it really get better in 2015? Stay the same? Or get worse? This holiday season was a bit harder than I would have expected. I often pondered the thought while celebrating Christmas with our family, could this be Jacob's one and only Christmas? Hard to believe that could be the reality of it all. I am glad we did have so much time together as a family and enjoyed each little moment. Although we don't know what is around the corner, here is hoping that 2015 is a bit calmer and quieter than this past year!

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